The Very First Post

Hello everyone!

I hope you’ll be patient with me as I get this blog and my portfolio up and running. I promise that it won’t always be looking like some generic wordpress theme with stock photos! I’ve decided to create this site in order to challenge myself both with regular updates, and also with improving my work, and enjoying the journey along the way.

Illustration is my passion, so most of the work is likely going to be that in one form or another, but I’m blatantly stealing the idea that you have to put 10,000 hours into something to be an expert at it, so today I officially started my 10,000 hours challenge. I’m only 10 minutes into it, but I want to keep track of it and continue to motivate myself.

Here’s today’s sketch. A very ugly Fu Dog, but it made me want to redraw it, and to focus on the lines and shadows, and make it an actual piece of art instead of a rough, rather ugly sketch. Still, there has to be a starting point, right? Everyone needs to start somewhere.