2021 Popsugar Reading Challenge

So I finished (most) of the 2021 reading challenge. I intentionally saved the prompt “A DNF book from your TBR list” for last and then didn’t do it, because honestly books are on my DNF list for a reason. Here’s the list of what I read. A book that’s published in 2021 – One Last […]

Experimenting with New Things – Oggleflint

So I’ve been trying out new drawing techniques and also new programs lately. I had heard some good things about Krita and decided to give it a go, because honestly I’ve been pretty frustrated with Adobe’s subscription model for Photoshop, when I’d barely use it and found myself swapping to other programs for their features […]

2020 Popsugar Reading Challenge Finished!

Here’s my list (alternatively, if you’re a Goodreads User you can view my list at Goodreads): A book that’s published in 2020:  Beyond the Shadowed Earth by Joanna Ruth Meyer A book by a trans or nonbinary author: Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee A book with a great first line: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray […]

Adventures of an Adventurer

Hello all! It’s just me again with a post of what I’ve been up to. Mostly World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, admittedly. I will admit that in the current state of the game I feel a bit overwhelmed, but I sort of love that, too. I don’t intend for this blog to be all about WoW, […]

What I’ve been up to this past week!

So it’s been some time since I’ve updated, mostly because I’ve been spinning wheels on what to work on, or jumping from project to project and not really getting anything done. I have a big project that I’d like to do just to see if I can, but I constantly worry that I’m too flaky […]

Book Review: Happiness Project

So it’s been a long time since I did a book review here, but books are one of my many passions so I decided I’d start reviewing again with a book that is about the pursuit of happiness. I found myself really enjoying this book. I liked that the author could be honest with herself […]

Garden Update

So being in the new house (and with the heat of the summer still here, despite it now being fall), getting the yard to not look overgrown (with no real equipment) has been a challenge that I am slowly but surely undertaking. I know I have to get things into gear by next summer, otherwise […]

Still here!

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, but I’m still around. I’ve noticed that I haven’t been as focused on art lately, but that’s because things have been incredibly busy in my life right now and I don’t take a lot of time to sit down and draw much. I’ve been meaning […]